Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.::A Month of Christmas::.

      So December has come and (almost) gone. I can't believe that 2010 is almost over. It's been a whirlwind of a year. This year brought with it much excitement, and with it, another family to spend Christmas with. Between our immediate family, my (Annie's) parents, the Wright clan, the Haley clan, the boys' dad, and the Punt clan, the boys made out pretty well with 6 "Christmases" between all of our family. Although toys and stuff are nice, my favorite part of Christmas is getting to spend time with family that we hardly ever get to see. Most of my family lives down in the LA area, so getting to see them is a rarity. 

       To top it all off, we took the boys to Knott's Berry Farm for the first time. They LOVED it, and gave me proof that the boys really are the daredevils that I was beginning to suspect they were. They both loved the roller coasters, and went on pretty much all of them. It was great to see them so excited. My niece Haley and Christopher were so proud to be tall enough to go on the 'big kid' roller coasters. They were partners in crime. I can't wait until next year when we go again. It was a blast and Christopher said that it was "the best day of his life." Although I hope that he has many more 'best days' throughout his life. Here is our Christmas week in photos, since a picture is worth a thousand words, and I don't really feel like writing 20 thousand more words. Sorry, folks. I promised no more novels. With that said, here are a few photo highlights of our Christmas week:

Caiden was stacking his presents from
Grandma and Papa Wright like blocks.

Christopher got some cool science stuff from
Auntie Stacey and Uncle Shawn

Eric and I got the boys a Wii for Christmas

...And then we went to Knott's Berry Farm!!

Eric and I were the only ones brave enough to
take a picture with Snoopy.

Haley and Christopher were partners in crime!

Caiden loved the Red Barron airplane ride

You probably can't tell, but Shawn and Haley are in the front row
and Eric and Christopher are in the second row. It was the kids
 first real roller coaster ride

Caiden loved the merry-go-round

Took the kids to the Lego Store in downtown Disney.
Christopher was in heaven!

The original Haley Clan: Uncle Ben, Uncle Bill, Aunt Christi,
Uncle Bob, Grandma and My mom.

Got to hang out with my cousin Tommy, my sister Stacey, and
my cousin Billy who lives in New York. We were just missing my
Cousin Alex, who came the next day from Illinois.

What a great week (minus the uninvited and unwelcome guests at the hotel, but that's a different story). It was so much fun getting to spend time with family and letting the kids experience new things. I can't wait for the next adventure together. Our first Christmas as a family, and it couldn't have gone better. We still have our gathering with the Punt clan coming up, so there is still more to celebrate! And if the weekend wasn't good enough, we drove over the grapevine to this beautiful sunset. It was gorgeous. Such a wonderful reminder of God's goodness, beauty and blessings on our lives.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

.::Our Story::.

So I've never blogged before. This is my first time. I can officially say that I am no longer a blog virgin. (sorry, I had to). Moving on.... I guess with this first blog, I should go back and review where we've come from.

It's crazy to think that a year ago now, Eric and I didn't even know each other. We had never met. We had never even seen each other. But our story starts even before last year. It starts about 4 years ago. See, four years ago I was married. Happily, or so I thought. And then life happens. Temptations happen. Sin happens. Needless to say, I was left alone 7 months pregnant with my second son. I was devastated. Not only was I now alone, but my dreams of growing old with this person that I married were shattered. I did everything I could to pull things back together. EVERYTHING. It didn't work.

It's amazing to see the way that God works in your life when you've hit rock bottom. I had nothing. I was emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually drained. God brought people and situations into my life that I would have never imagined. I had people that I didn't even know praying for me. Countless times, I got anonymous gifts in the mail of gas cards, grocery cards, gift certificates, or cash. If you were someone who sent me something, I want to say THANK YOU. You have no idea how much that blessed me during that time. I am able to look back and see God's love for me during those times because of those that God layed it upon their hearts to bless my little family. My family and friends completely shocked me with a suprise baby shower for Caiden. I was so loved and blessed during what could have been a really dark time in my life. When I had nothing, God surrounded me with more friendship and love than I ever could have imagined. I couldn't be alone if I tried.  

One thing that I did for myself, was to step out of my comfort zone and go to a divorce support group. If you know me, you know that I do not like to talk about my feelings. I do not open up easily, and when I do, I am very emotional. So going, for me, was very uncomfortable. I don't do counseling. I made myself go because I knew it would be good for me. Each and every week there was an inner battle. I fought it tooth and nail. But. I. Went. Every. Week. It was probably the best thing that I ever did. It helped me heal. It made me stronger. It gave me words when I didn't know what to say. It gave me power over the situation. By the end of the 3 months, I was finally in control for the first time in 2 years.  

Fast forward 2 years. By then, the divorce was final. I was finally "over" it. Or, as over it as someone could be after having their heart ripped out of their chest and stomped on. I still had baggage, maybe I always will, but I had dumped a lot of it out. Metophorically Gone up a 47 story building, opened the window, and dumped out the baggage. Kind of like this:     

Awesome, huh?!? It would have been really cathartic if I had actually been able to do that, but I guess metaphorically will have to suffice. It was at this point, that I was finally over it. I was done. I had been through hell and back, and I was ready to move forward. I was ready to live the life that God had for me. 
Two months later, enter Eric. Besides a lot of plotting and scheming on behalf of his mother and a little bit my mother as well, we ended up meeting on our own. He met my list of 4 qualifications for a guy that I would date. 1. He loved Jesus with all his heart. 2. He had the ability to love my boys as if they were his own. 3. He had a job 4. He didn't live with his parents. He is a great guy. We were both certain pretty early on that we would get married. He survived meeting the parents, which, if any of you know my dad, is a feat in and of itself. I think the fact that he likes guns helped. :) So... a few months later, we were engaged. 

Yep. That's me. So when we got engaged, my dad told Eric that he didn't believe in long engagements... which was totally fine with both of us!! We set the wedding date for October 16th, only 5 months after we got engaged, and 8 months after we had met. Yes, we knew each other for 8 months before we got married. Short timeframe, but everything fit. We knew that God had intended us to be together. All the pieces fell into place. Our parents were supportive and SO happy for us, the Pastor that married us confirmed that he thought that this was God's plan for our lives, and the boys LOVE him! It was too perfect not to have been orchestrated by God.

So... Here we are. Here is where our story begins. Here is where our family begins. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us. This past year has been amazing. It has been one thrill ride after another. It is amazing to see how God blesses you when you are within his plan for your life. I am so thankful for all that I have been through. Even though it was hard... downright devastating... I cannot imagine being in a better place with a better man. I am so blessed to be here. Living my life. It's amazing. I am so very lucky. I guess since Eric and I are just beginning our journey, This blog will document our walk together; Hand in hand, as we strive to walk with each other in life keeping God as our guide, and raising the boys to grow up to be men that walk after God.